Disabling "Nested Paging" in Setting->System->Acceleration allows to start the system.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Virtual box and ubuntu
I was trying to install Ubuntu 15.04 (ubuntu-15.04-desktop-amd64.iso) as a guest system on Virtual box 5.0.0 running on a macOS host system.
The problem I was facing was the install crashing and not able to finish.
Looking I found a blog, the solution that worked for me was :
Sofware problems
virtual box
Thursday, September 03, 2015
How to change default application in a website in IIS
The solution to set one application as the default for when you hit a website is to change the website Physical folder, to match the application root folder.
As explained in a Server fault post.
Another hack-around is to put a index.html page in the root of the site performing the re-direct.
Using the redirect feature of ISS can cause trouble with you application, I recommend against it.
The best answer form me is:
Turns out you can edit the physical path of the Default Web Site (right click, Manage Web Site, Advanced Settings). Change that to the physical path of the app you want to be default, make sure other settings match (in my case the App Pool had to be changed), and there you go.Direct link to best reply
useful tips
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